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How is dental plaster made?

How is dental plaster made?


Dental plaster, an essential material in the field of dentistry.

Used to create precise models of the patients's mouths and teeth.

Its manufacture is a fascinating process that transforms natural gypsum into a precious tool for dentists and prosthetists.

Here is an overview of the key steps in this process.

1. Extraction of gypsum:

It all starts with the extraction of gypsum, a sedimentary rock mainly made up of dihydrated calcium sulfate (CASO4 · 2H2O).

Gypsum deposits are in many parts of the world and are used either in the open air or in underground mines.

Once extracted, the gypsum is transported to the processing plant.

2. Preparation of the gypsum:At the factory, raw gypsum is first cleaned to eliminate impurities.

It is then crushed in a thin powder.

This step is crucial because the quality of dental plaster depends greatly on the finesse of the gypsum powder.

3. Calcination:

Gypsum powder is then subject to a calcination process, where it is heated to a temperature between 150 ° C and 180 ° C.

This process eliminates part of the crystallization water present in gypsum, transforming calcium sulfate dihydrated into semi-hydrated calcium sulfate (CASO4 ½H2O), also known as the Plaster of Paris.

The temperature and duration of calcination are carefully controlled to obtain the desired properties of dental plaster.

4. Adding additives:

After calcination, additives can be incorporated into the powder to modify its properties.

For example, socket delayers can be added to extend working time with plaster, while taking accelerators reduce this time.

Other additives can improve the resistance, hardness or color of the finished plaster.

The differences in prices and quality between the different plasters come from the number of steps made. For a plaster on and fine, the steps to obtain the powder are more and more precise, the drying and the addition of additives is extremely precise.

A plaster for building or a class IV plaster in dental prosthesis has the same origin but absolutely not the same treatment.

5. molding and drying:


The prepared plaster powder is then mixed with water to form a paste.

This paste is sunk in molds to form specific blocks or shapes depending on the planned use.

The molded parts are then dried in controlled rooms to remove excess water and harden the plaster.

6. Finish and packaging:

Once dried, plaster is subject to finishing operations, such as grinding or polishing, to obtain the desired final shape and texture.

The finished product is then packed and labeled in preparation for shipping for dental suppliers.


The manufacture of dental plaster is a complex process that requires careful attention at each stage to ensure that the final product meets the high standards required in the field of dentistry.

From the extraction of gypsum to the finish of the finished plaster, each step is crucial to produce a quality material that helps dental professionals to provide the best possible care for their patients or their customers.

Respecting the dosage of plaster is important to maintain the original technical qualities, plaster is an essential material in a laboratory, it is strongly recommended to respect the technical data of use.

This little overview gives you an idea of ​​making dental plaster.

If you need more information or other questions, do not hesitate to contact us:




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