IT nozzle for sandy Renfert With pencil.
Sandy nozzle, High technicality of manufacturing materials. Very good focus of sand thanks to the elongated shape.
Very simple replacement.
Boron carbide manufacturing.
1 Nozzle Renfert For each application.
Usable for all sandy with silos Renfert.
- We recommend using Sand Renfert For perfect calibration.
Correspondence table:
- ∅ 0.40mm: 25µ.
- ∅ 0.60mm: 50µ.
- ∅ 0.80mm: 90µ - 100 µ and 110 µ.
- ∅ 1.00mm: 100 - 110 µ - 125 µ.
- ∅ 1.20mm: 125µ - 250 µ.
- ∅ 1.40mm: 125µ - 250 µ.
- ∅ 2.00mm: 250µ - ∅1.5 x 3.5mm: 100 µ - 110 µ - 125µ - 250µ.
Delivery: 1 IT nozzle sandy Renfert to Silo - Size of your choice.