Binocular glasses that allows a vision in three very easy and practical dimensions.
Possibility of an optical magnification of 1.8x 2.3x and 4.8x.
- Attachment system adjustable to the head of individual form.
- Binocular with a very large visual field (about 8 x 6 cm).
- Depth of approx. 5 cm.
- The distance from the work (focal distance) is around 27cm.
- Thanks to a foldable and simple mechanism, it may be possible to obtain a 2nd reading with a vision of 2.3 x.
For a quick microscopic control, you can add the 3rd magnifying glass which allows a higher 4.8x vision.
- The lens can be partially and simple.
- Usable without problem for glasses.
- Weight 110 gr, gentle quality plastic material.
- Guaranteed comfortable use.
Delivery: binocular of black work.