Disk to separate Mothyl for alloy and resin 26/0.6 Titane.
- Disques to separate titanium high performance and high resistance.
- Intended for the cutting and machining of titanium and resins.
- Bilaterally reinforced by a fiberglass mesh.
Thanks to its thickness (0.6 mm), the Mothyl disc works with low dust emissions.
- Do not heat the material treated.
- Mooring 26/0.6 titanium are intended for sanding and high -speed cutting.
- Very high performance and resistance grinders.
Technical data:
Outside diameter in mm: 26 (± 0.5).
Thickness in mm: 0.6 (± 0.05).
TRS/min speed: 20 to 35,000.
Delivery: Disk to separate Mothyl 26 x 0.6 mm Red titanium - 1 box 20 pieces.