Zircad Cerec/Inlab blocks - MO Multi Polychromatic Translucent Polychromatic Plots.
Référence: H61733
E.MAX ZIRCAD CEREC INLAB MO, Low translucent, monochrome zirconicous blocks.
Manufacturing of crown reinforcements, bridge frames, anatomical crown.
Maximum of 2 intermediate elements.
High opacity for perfect covering of stumps or implant pillars.
Class IIA medical device.
E.MAX Zircad MO Blocks Advantages:
Resistance to flexion and high rupture.
Remarkable aesthetic.
Using monolithic and infiltrated elements.
- Partial or total recovery elements.
E.MAX Zircad blocks physical characteristics:
This 10.5 ± 0.5 x 10⁻⁶k⁻¹ (25-500 ° C).
Resistance to 900 MPa bending at 1150 MPa.
Resistance to the 5.1 MPA rupture.
E.MAX Cérec/Inlab Zircad Mo blocks:
- B40: 14.2 x 15.5 x 40.0 mm x 3
- B55: 15.5 x 19.0 x 55.0 mm x 1
- B65: 22.0 x 25.0 x 65.0 mm x 1
- B85: 22.0 x 40.0 x 85.0 mm x 1
- C15: 15.4 x 19.0 x 20.0 mm x 1
Delivery: blocks Zircad Cerec Inlab Mo Multi - a choice.