Mouthguard Thermoformed Plate Erkoflex Color 2 or 4 mm Gold.
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Référence: 581235
Erkoflex Color Play Safe 2 or 4 mm mouthguard - Gold Color.
Elastic material, Acetate vinyl ethyl (EVA), large choice of colors.
Manufacture of colored mouthguards, soft occlusal splint and positioner.
- Protection of 3-layers is widely recognized.
- The realization of laminated toothpicks is much more complex.
- The Playsafe Triple 3 -layer plate, soft inside and outside and lasts between the 2.
- Molding by thermoforming.
Delivery : Erkoflex Color 2 or 4 mm. Single color size and thickness of your choice - Box of 5 pieces - Gold Color.